Ema-ject® is the only tree injectable form of emamectin benzoate that is registered in Australia. As a new product there are no resistance issues in comparison as reported with imidacloprid.
No residues of Ema-ject were detected in bud, nectar, pollen, seed, and fruit samples in multiple tree species. This is a significant advancement in tree injectable chemistry, hitting target pests, safe for pollinators and seed eating birds.
Ema-ject® is the superior environmental alternative to imidacloprid. It has no restrictions of use in River Red Gums (Eucalyptus Camaldulensis). Treatment can still be undertaken even when the trees are in flower. Whereas imidacloprid based products are present at lethal levels in residue tests in multiple tree species.
The APVMA is satisfied that Ema-ject® when used as per label presents a minimal risk to the environment. Analysis by ACS laboratories found no emamectin benzoate residues in elm pollen and Samaras (elm seeds).
ACS Report Extract from APVMA submission