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Read and download our factsheets on pests, diseases and treatment methods
- Tree Injection Trials on Giant Sequoia The main emphasis of these trials is on long term systemic control using chemistries that have a broad spectrum of activity.
- Mulberry Leaf Spot A common leaf disorder affecting fruiting and ornamental mulberries
- Moreton Bay Fig Psyllid Treatments Moreton Bay Fig Psyllid mycopsylla fici can cause significant damage and defoliation primarily in Moreton Bay Figs and less so in Port Jackson Fig
- Cypress Canker Cypress canker is a serious fungal disease that affects certain coniferous species
- Fruit Tree Borer A serious pest is in regards to ornamental and native trees
- Ema-Ject® - Tree Injectable Emamectin Benzoate
- Elm Leaf Spot A widespread damaging and defoliating fungal disease that affects Weeping, Golden and English elms.
- Plane Tree Anthracnose Plane Tree Anthracnose is becoming commonplace